
Kadyrov Kamoliddin Namozovich – Head of the Department of Philology and Language Teaching. Academic degree: Candidate of Philological Sciences. Academic title: Associate Professor.

Sharipova Nigora Nuriddinovna – Associate Professor of the Department of Philology and Language Teaching. Academic degree: Doctor of Philosophy in Philology(PhD), doctoral candidate (DSc). Academic title: Associate Professor.

Yarasheva Nasiba Dzhumaevna – Professor of the Department of Philology and Language Teaching. Academic degree: Doctor of Philology (DSc). Academic title: Associate Professor.

Ruzieva Zilola Mustafayevna – teacher of the Department of Philology and Language Teaching. Academic degree: Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Philology. Academic title: Associate Professor.

Dusanova Tozagul Rasulovna – teacher of the Department of Philology and Language Teaching. Academic degree: Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Philology. Academic title: Associate Professor.

Gulomova Nargiza Sadullaevna – teacher of the Department of Philology and Language Teaching. Academic degree: Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in Philology. Academic title: Associate Professor.