
On the occasion of the adoption of the Law "On the State Flag" of the Republic of Uzbekistan on November 17 and November 18 by the employees of the Information Resource Center of Navoi Innovations University K.Rabbimova, N.Abdullayeva, D.Adizova. A roundtable discussion was held on the topic "Our flag is our pride." History teacher Abdurakhimov Husniddin Sadriddinovich participated in the roundtable discussion and expressed his opinion and answered the students' questions.
The flag of Uzbekistan (official name: the state flag of the Republic of Uzbekistan) is the official state symbol of the Republic of Uzbekistan, like the coat of arms of Uzbekistan and the anthem of Uzbekistan. After the Republic of Uzbekistan declared its independence on August 31, 1991, on November 18, 1991, at the VIII session of the Supreme Council of the Republic of Uzbekistan, the Law on the State Flag of the Republic of Uzbekistan was adopted.The eagle on the flag is a symbol of blue sky and clear water. Blue is a color that has been valued in the East since ancient times, and Amir Temur chose this color for his flag. White color is a symbol of peace and purity. The white color on the flag is a symbol of good will for the path chosen by the Republic of Uzbekistan to be clear and bright. Red roads are a symbol of life, the vital force beating in the veins of every living soul. Green color is a symbol of happiness and peaceful nature. Currently, environmental protection efforts are spreading widely throughout the world; its symbol is also green. The crescent moon is in accordance with the centuries-old traditions of the people of Uzbekistan. Crescent and stars are symbols of clear sky and peace. The image of 12 stars on the flag is a symbol of perfection.