
On this topic, a roundtable discussion was held today with the participation of students of Navoi University of Innovations.The event was opened by U. Umurzakova, a teacher of the NIU "Social and Humanities" department.
R. Sherbotayeva, head of the regional department of the Committee on Religious Affairs, N. Ermamatova, specialist of the regional department of the Women's Rehabilitation Center of Navoi region, lieutenant G. Sattorova, inspector of the crime prevention department of the Karmana district IIB, university women's adviser N. Kobulova, the role of Islam in the life of society, They focused on the impact of destructive ideas on the fate of women and children, the violence that occurs in our society and their consequences, and emphasized the need to be active in creating an environment that rejects and cannot tolerate violence in any form.
After the interview, female students received answers to the questions they were interested in.