Inclusive Education with Students
On November 26 of this year, Ro'ziyeva Nafosat Abdumumin qizi, a teacher of the "Social and Humanities" department, conducted Inclusive Education with students of the 5th group of the 2nd year of the "Primary Education" major. An open lesson was held on the topic "Inclusive Education Strategies for Children with Autistic Spectrum Disorders and Conditions for Their Implementation" in the field of hospital pedagogy.
The lesson provided information about autism - an abnormal childhood disease, its causes, symptoms, and treatment methods.
Students were divided into 3 groups and demonstrated their knowledge skills through the following interactive methods: "Student Mood", "Reflection", "Two-part Diary", "Colored Rings", and "Explanation of Terms".
The lesson was organized in an unconventional way, evaluated and encouraged by the professors and teachers of the department. The lesson achieved its intended purpose and was evaluated at a high level.