Dear students, you are the future of our country!
Student years are a very responsible and exciting period of life. Studentship is a wonderful, unforgettable period when you can show yourself to young people, give serious prospects and great opportunities to implement your most successful and daring ideas, projects.
During the student years, the foundation for future achievements is laid. You have stepped on a difficult but endlessly interesting path of knowledge.
The team of the Navoi Innovation University, rich in high-level education, excellent teachers and a highly creative environment, provides all the opportunities for your personal growth and future career advancement. What our country will be like in the future depends to a large extent on you, as well as on our young people studying in the leading universities of our country, on your hard work and responsibility.
I am sure that you, dear students, will become highly educated professionals in the near future and will do your best to make a worthy contribution to the development and prosperity of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Smart and talented youth of our country, you are the future of our country.
I sincerely hope that the knowledge you have acquired at our university will always be in demand in the future. May the wonderful years of student life give you positive energy and optimism and remain in your memory as a happy time full of hard work, creative endeavors, friendship and love. May all your dreams come true! Regardless of your age, let this day be your holiday, dear students!
Happy holiday, dear students!
Sincerely, NIU director E. Rahmonov